Always dreamt of speaking a foreign language? Then why not start today! Teaching-you 31 Languages of the World gives you all the tools you need to experience real language the way it is used by native speakers in a fun, interesting environment. Learn listening, reading, and speaking skills quickly and easily with our immersion approach and speech recognition technology.
With up to 5,000 words per language and a range of activities and games for all ability levels, Teaching-you 31 Languages of the World will have you speaking and understanding foreign languages in no time. It's practically like having a native speaker to talk to!
It’s as easy as…
1. Listen: Compare your voice to native speakers using the fully integrated native speaker pronunciation for every word and sentence.
2. Read: Thousands of words of native language content presented in context to give you lots of reading practice.
3. Speak: Interactive dialogues and conversation practice to master thinking and speaking in your new language.
Teaching-you 31 Languages of the World makes language learning fun and rewarding for the whole family.